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Eid al-Adha 16 June, 2024 Mubarak
The Islamic Society of Gloucester

Eid al-Adha 2024 Announcement!
It has been confirmed that Eid al-Adha will be on Sunday, June 16, 2024. Eid prayer will take place at The Islamic Society of Gloucester at 9:00 AM Takberat & 9:30 AM is Eid Prayer & Eid Celebration with our community at 10:00 AM. ( Only 1 Eid Prayer )
On behalf of The Islamic Society of Gloucester board and staff, we wish our community and Muslims worldwide a blessed Eid. May Allah accept our fast, worship, and good deeds.
Parking for Eid Prayer is arranged at COSTCO Parking Lot. & Also at 1487, Ridgebrook of Maxime Street (School Parking Lot)
Dhul-Hijjah 1445 Announcement
The Council of Imams of Ottawa-Gatineau has confirmed that the first of Dhul Hijjah is to be Friday, June 07, 2024, as announced officially for the Hajj. Therefore, In Sha Allah, Eid al-Adha will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
The Council of Imams encourages community members to benefit from the best ten days of the year and observe fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah which will be on Saturday, June 15, 2024, In Sha Allah.
Friday Prayer Times
Friday Nov 08, 2024 To Friday Mar 07, 2025 - Khutbah 12.30 PM - Iqama 1:00 PM
Services & Updates

Quran Tafseer
Brief Introduction to "Quran Tafsir" What it is and Why We Need it We start with the word "Quran"
Youth Programs
Youth programs are all about empowering our youth and helping make the mosque a welcoming place for our youth.
خَيْرُ النَّاسِ أَنْفَعُهُمْ لِلنَّاسِ
The Best Of People Are Those Who Are Most Beneficial To People

Quran Reading
Quran Reading is an exciting new program aimed at connecting you with the Qur’an.
لَمْ نَرَ لِلْمُتَحَابَّيْنِ مِثْلَ النِّكَاحِ
“There is nothing like marriage, for the two who love one another.”

Make a Donation
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ حَبَّةٍ أَنْبَتَتْ سَبْعَ سَنَابِلَ فِي كُلِّ سُنْبُلَةٍ مِائَةُ حَبَّةٍ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يُضَاعِفُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ ۗ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.